Governance plays a vital role in ensuring the best possible educational opportunity for every child in each of the Trust schools. The structure for the Coombe Academy Trust has been developed to support the culture of the Trust and to ensure the effective management of our schools.
The Board of Trustees is accountable to the Secretary of State for all schools within the MAT and responsible for compliance with government and Education and Skills Funding Agency requirements, company law and charity law. Whilst the Board of Trustees will always remain accountable, our governance structure allows for the delegation of decisions to the most appropriate body.
There are four members, one of whom is also a Trustee. The members:
are the subscribers to the memorandum of association (where they are founding members);
may amend the articles of association subject to any restrictions created by the funding agreement or charity law;
may, in certain circumstances, appoint new members or remove existing members;
have powers to appoint and remove Trustees;
may, by special resolution, issue direction to the Trustees to take a specific action;
appoint the Trust’s auditors and receive the audited annual accounts; and
have power to change the Trust’s name.
The Board of Trustees is responsible for the three core functions of governance:
Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
The Board has four sub-committees: Resources, Infrastructure, Audit and Remuneration.
The Board meets twice a term.
The Trust delegates many of its functions to its Local Governing Bodies. All our schools have their own governing bodies with elected parent and staff governor representatives.
The strategic priorities and targets for the school
The progress of the students in the schools
Provision for students with special educational needs
The school's budget, including the expenditure of the pupil premium allocation
The school's staffing structure and key staffing policies
Pastoral issues
Specific curriculum issues for which they have a statutory responsibility
Health and Safety issues
Coombe Academy Trust is a Multi Academy Trust of five schools in Kingston; three primary schools and two secondary schools who share a sixth form centre.
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